
Beyond the Horizon: Illuminating Asia's Unseen Sustainable Tech and Initiatives

16 August, 2024

Beyond the Horizon: Illuminating Asia's Unseen Sustainable Tech and Initiatives

A Vision for Global Collaboration: Editor in Chief's Inaugural Message

In a world grappling with complex sustainability challenges, every step towards positive change is crucial. It is with this sense of purpose that we proudly introduce HORIZON, a new collective media platform founded by AALTO INTERNATIONAL. Our aim is both simple and ambitious: to contribute to global sustainability efforts by bridging Japanese and Asian innovations with the international community. The inception of HORIZON stems from the challenges we've encountered in international communication. Throughout my role as an international communication representative for public sectors and tech companies in mobility, energy, and climate tech - all aiming to contribute to a sustainable future - I've witnessed firsthand how language barriers and cultural differences can hinder the flow of innovative ideas across borders. Addressing this issue became the driving force behind founding HORIZON.

As a collective of communicators, the HORIZON team aims to make initiatives and technologies in Asia more accessible to a worldwide audience. We spotlight five key areas that showcase Japan and Asia's contributions to a sustainable future: Clean Power, Sustainable Production, Smart Transportation, Mindful Resource Use, and Pioneering Initiatives. Through our platform, readers can expect in-depth insights into sustainable developments across these sectors, with a particular emphasis on opportunities for global cooperation. We'll showcase everything from cutting-edge clean technologies to innovative initiatives, always considering how these ideas can be adapted and implemented in different contexts. In my role as Editor in Chief, I lead the HORIZON team in exploring these advancements not just in Japan, but across Asia.

HORIZON is more than just a media outlet. We see ourselves as facilitators of a global movement towards a more sustainable future. By promoting transparency, facilitating dialogue, and connecting innovators with resources, we aim to empower our readers to become active participants in this crucial endeavor. The diverse team at AALTO INTERNATIONAL will serve to discover technologies and connect key actors internationally, making an impact together beyond borders. By facilitating international partnerships and knowledge exchange, we strive to contribute to the development of comprehensive, effective solutions to our shared challenges. As we launch HORIZON, we invite you to join us in ushering in a new era of international collaboration for a sustainable future.

For the launch of HORIZON and a new step of international collaboration,

Mariko Murohashi
Editor in Chief, HORIZON

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Mariko Murohashi (Mariko Fukui), Editor-in-chief

Mariko drives sustainable solutions in mobility, energy, and climate tech through strategic communication and international collaboration. Her experience includes the attraction of enterprises internationally, contributing to cross-border partnerships and economic development. Drawing from her study and work experiences in Europe and Asia, she is keenly interested in energy transition, economic revitalization, and industry development. Currently, she is supporting public and private sectors as a strategic advisor and also conducts research at the Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS) in Kyoto University.


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